Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Knox County Rolls out Prescription Drug Program

A lot of our clients have problems making ends meet with prescription drug costs. You can sign up for the card at http://www.knoxrxcard.com/

This information was reported in the Knoxville News-Sentinel today:

County rolls out discount drug card program

Anyone can join to get money off brand name or generic medicines

With the potential for individuals to save hundreds of dollars annually on prescription drugs, Knox County is launching a discount card program that everyone can join.

And all it takes is either a phone call or a few mouse clicks to get the card.

At a press conference this morning, officials will announce the program in conjunction with Advantage Wellness of America, a privately held company based in Knoxville.

Through bulk participation, the program can offer discounts on many drugs, in a few cases up to 75 percent off.

And according to a search on the site set up for people to download the card, at least 88 pharmacies in the county participate, including CVS, Kroger, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Sam's and Target, to name a few.

The program is open to the insured and the uninsured, and applies to brand name and generic drugs, said Commissioner Mike Hammond, who last fall launched an effort to get such a program.

The effort was launched after people were cut from the state's _TennCare rolls. And while it is aimed at the uninsured and underinsured, anyone can use what is known as the Knox RX Card.

For those insured, the card cannot be used in conjunction with insurance but can be used on prescriptions outside of one's coverage.

"We've had several participants tell us that the prescription card is saving them hundreds of dollars a year," said AWA official Tim Helton.

There is no enrollment cost, and the card can be printed out online in just a few seconds. For those without Internet access, those who wish to obtain a card can call for one to be sent, or get assistance at any library or senior center, officials said.

Hammond also said that on the card's Web page, users may type in their ZIP code and find nearby participating pharmacies. He also said explanation is available in Spanish at the Web site.

AWA is a separate operating unit of United Networks of America Inc. AWA provides discount health and wellness benefit programs to employer groups, individuals, families and associations.

Michael Silence may be reached at 865-342-6310.