Friday, March 05, 2010

Who decides if I am disabled?

In Tennessee, after you file a Social Security disability claim, the case file is sent to a disability examiner at the Disability Determination Section (DDS) within the Tennessee Department of Health in Nashville.

This individual, working with a doctor who has been paid by the State of Tennessee, makes the first decision on your case.

If the claim is denied and you ask for "reconsideration", the case is sent to another disability examiner in the same office.

Think of it this way: If you got a traffic ticket, but thought the police officer was wrong, you first have to argue your case to the police officer's partner before you get to see the judge.

If a claim is denied at reconsideration (and most Social Security disability claims in Tennessee are), you can then request a hearing before a Social Security Judge.

After hearing your testimony and reviewing all of the evience, the Judge makes an independent decision on your claim.

Some firms will only take cases after the reconsideration step is over. At Cannon & Anderson, Attorneys, we take cases from the beginning, protecting your rights every step of the way.

Cannon & Anderson, Attorneys
Straight Answers about Social Security Disability
2916 Tazewell Pike, Ste. F
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 522-9000

I live in Morristown. Can you take my case?


As attorneys, Cannon & Anderson have handled many cases for people who have filed for Social Security Disability or SSI benefits and who live in or near Morristown, Tennessee.

Social Security disability and SSI cases for people who live in Morristown are handled by the Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication and Review in Kingsport, Tennessee. However, you and your lawyer don't have to drive to Kingsport for your case. The judge will come to you.

Social Security has a hearing office in downtown Morristown. The Judges comes from Kingsport and schedules several disability cases per day in Morristown.

If you live in or around Morristown, call us for a free consultation. We can handle your case.

Cannon & Anderson, Attorneys
Straight Answers about Social Security Disability
2916 Tazewell Pike, Ste. F
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 522-9000

Thursday, March 04, 2010

How do lawyers who represent Social Security disability claimants get paid?

If you hire us to work on your case, in almost all cases, the fee is one-quarter (25%) of the back benefits if you win no fee if you do not win.

Cannon & Anderson, Attorneys
Straight Answers about Social Security Disability
2916 Tazewell Pike, Ste. F
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 522-9000

Little-Known Disabled Adult Child Benefits

In rare cases, a young adult becomes disabled before he or she has earned enough credits while working to quality for Social Security Disability benefits on his or her own.

An adult disabled before age 22 may be eligible for Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits if a parent is deceased or receives retirement or disability benefits from Social Security. This is called a "child's" benefit because it is paid on a parent's Social Security earnings record.

The "adult child"—including an adopted child, or, in some cases, a stepchild, grandchild, or step grandchild—must be unmarried, age 18 or older, and have a disability that started before age 22.

You can read more about DAC benefits here.

Cannon & Anderson, Attorneys
Straight Answers about Social Security Disability
2916 Tazewell Pike, Ste. F
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 522-9000