Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Who decides whether I am disabled?

In Tennessee, after you file a Social Security disability claim, the case is sent to the Disability Determination Section of the State Department of Human Services in Nashville.

This individual, working with a doctor, makes the initial decision on the claim. If the claim is denied and the individual requests reconsideration, the case is then sent to another disability examiner in the same office, where it goes through much the same process.

If a claim is denied at reconsideration, the claimant may then request a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge who works for Social Security. In Knoxville, these judges are at the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, located in the First Tennessee Bank building downtown. The Judge makes an independent decision upon the claim. This is the only level at which the claimant and the decision maker get to see each other.

At Cannon & Anderson, we believe the hearing before the Judge is the most important step and is the best chance to win your case.

Cannon & Anderson
Straight Answers about Social Security Disability
2916 Tazewell Pike, Ste. F
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 522-9000

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