Like many things, the answer is, "it depends." Nobody gets rich from Social Security. Everyone's benefit amount is different. It depends on what you have paid in. There is not a fixed amount for Social Security Disability Benefits. However, it is easy to find out.
You can use this benefit estimate calculator at www.ssa.gov. http://ssa.gov/planners/calculators.htm
You can also get a benefit estimate by calling the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213. In Knoxville, Tennessee, you can call the local Social Security office at (865) 692-0196.
For disability insurance benefits, it all depends upon how much you have worked and earned in the past. For disabled widow's or widower's benefits, it depends upon how much the late husband or wife worked and earned. For disabled adult child benefits, it all depends upon how much the parent worked and earned. For all types of SSI benefits, there is a base amount that an individual with no other income receives. Other income that an individual has reduces the amount of SSI which an individual can receive.
If you have any questions about Social Security Disability, call us for a free consultation. (865) 522-9000.
Cannon & Anderson
Straight Answers about Social Security Disability
2916 Tazewell Pike, Ste. F
Knoxville, TN 37918
(865) 522-9000
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